Where There's a Witch, There's a Way - Part I

An Interview with Dana Breed-Fink

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Okay…your history. Most people, when they think about what they want to be when they grow up, they say, “I want to be a policeman…I want to be a doctor, or a nurse, or a fireman, or a…” What did you do? Wake up one day and say, “I want to be a witch”? (laughs)

DANA: I knew at a very, very young age, like between 9 and 13, that I was different—and that I could feel things and know things and see things about people. And then I guess I forgot for a long time. In 1980, I went into overdrive, and I could know the “good guys from the bad guys” and I could tell the people that were nice and those who weren’t. And I had to make sure what I was thinking and feeling was real. So I bought my first deck of tarot cards.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: How old were you?

DANA: In August of 1980. So…20ish?

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So it was revealed to you later on in life. But all through high school were you wondering, or did you know? You have this gift of discernment, obviously, that you couldn’t quite put your finger on, or what?

DANA: It took a long time for me to…yeah. My younger years were pretty dysfunctional.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So you bought your first deck because…

DANA: Because I knew at that time that, when I got to be older, like 50-ish that I would need something to do where I could sit and my body could handle it. And I guess, in some subconscious way, I started planning for this time right here, right now. Because the store came together like that (snaps her fingers)…it came together in 30 days.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: You had a vision of it before you even…? And you knew this at 20?

DANA: Yeah, pretty much. I knew some day that I wanted a metaphysical shop. I wanted an old school shop…because I had been in a few shops and I went, Ooo..ahhh!” Witches got to wear cool clothes and do real positive things for people. I didn’t know what any of it meant, because I didn’t formally start studying Wicca until 1997-98-ish, and then I studied British Traditional. But I knew that someday I wanted to own a store and be the gypsy, and cast the spells, and do the herbs, and do positive things for people, and here we are. I did it.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: With the popularity these days, with the whole vampire thing like True Blood and Twilight…you have a lot of young people who are fascinated with that kind of stuff.

DANA:  Yeah, I’ve had many come into the store.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: What do you think about that whole “poser” type of thing?

DANA: Vampirism is a subject I know nothing about. I know that there are actual clinical reasons for some people who have to consume blood, but as for the whole Twilight series, I haven’t seen it, so I don’t know.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: But then you have those kids who want that sense of belonging. Was it tough for you, though, because you weren’t a poser?

DANA: No. I know who I am. Either love me or hate me. But I knew, especially when we opened the shop in December, that this is where I’m supposed to be and why I’m supposed to be here. Because it came together like, over night. Got the keys on the 18th and we opened five days later.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Did you have any kind of resistance in the community?

DANA:  Here? No. All the shop owners, all the business owners…they were all really, really supportive, especially when it came down to my business partner and I renting this actual location. There were three other people looking at it, and a couple of the downtown merchants called the landlord said hey, we want her in there because she’s a good person and she’ll respect the place, so we got it. So the downtown merchants have been great.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So what is it that you do? I notice you do readings. What’s a reading?

DANA: There are many different kinds. There are psychics, there are intuitive people, there are people who channel. I’m more of a mystic. When a client comes in, they know more about what’s going on in their lives than I ever will. But a lot of times they’re too emotionally connected, and too close to the situation to make logical decisions on which is the best way to go, and they need clarity. Well, they’re a camera, I’m a lens…I just help to put their stuff in focus to make better decisions on the things that life throws at them.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Some people would call that a shrink! (laughs)

DANA: Yeah, I’m just a really underpaid shrink. Readings are $25. People ask, “Well how, long does it take?” I don’t know, how much baggage do you have? Do you have one question to be answered, or do you have, like, a lot? Some people have lots. I’ll never be financially rich, but I’m probably the richest person I know.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: I noticed you have something called “spell casting”.

DANA: I do, but I don’t cast spells for people. Anyone who has studied the Craft – or Wicca, witchcraft – knows that it’s not a spell. We call them “works” because…it’s a lot of work. It takes a lot of emotion, a lot of time, a lot of planning. I give people the tools to do it for themselves, because I don’t adhere to the philosophy that you shouldn’t do it for yourself. If you have something going wrong in your life, who has better emotions about that, you or me? You do. If you want to heal someone or do something positive, you’ll have more energy and emotion; I just sell you the tools to make it happen, to simplify it. The information is out there…it’s all over the web, in books, you can talk about it. But I know where to go to look for it, and to shrink it down so you don’t have to sort through a bunch of who did what and how come. It’s like, “show me how to do it”, and then that’s it, it’s done.  So we sell spell kits, we do basic astrology (computer generated), numerology, tarot reading…
   And I will go to people’s homes. If they’ve just moved into a house, and it doesn’t feel quite right, there’s a really good chance that there’s some lingering stuff going on. Because buildings hold energy; everything holds energy. But if you move into a house and it doesn’t feel right, well then, whoever just left, left their drama. And I can go in and cleanse it and get rid of it. But as for doing…I won’t do tarot parties, or…you know, if people want readings…

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Tarot party? What is a tarot party?

DANA: Everybody says, “Why don’t you do a tarot party?” Why? You want a reading? I have a shop. Come to my shop. I’m not going to go do tricks for your party.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Yeah, this isn’t like, Avon (laughs). So this is it. You take this seriously.

DANA: Very seriously.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: I’m looking at your store, and at you as a person. This isn’t just a business. This is…

DANA: A passion.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: This is something that is a part of you. Some people look at Wiccan as a religion.

DANA: It is.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Well, Christianity is a religion.

DANA: Wicca pre-dates Christianity by a thousand years or more. There were Pagans…and then there were Christians. Hello?

CAROL HARPER/ACN: What’s the bulk of your clientele?

DANA: Middle-aged, from about 40 to 60 year old, devout Christian women.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Why do you think that is?

DANA: Because they’re like anybody else…they need clarity. Their grand-daughter’s screwing up, or their grand-son, or… I had some people come down from Arnold, and one of their sons wanted to open up a business, and she wasn’t sure how it was going to go. After we did the reading, I pointed out what I thought, then she felt a lot more comfortable about the decision that her son was making.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So it’s a comfort thing. Direction, focus…

DANA: Everybody needs direction, comfort. Everyone needs to know that the decisions in their lives are the right ones for the right reasons. And I have no agenda. I have no reason to tell you that you’re right if you’re wrong. And people go…I have repeat clients who say, “Well, don’t you remember what you said last time?” No. Usually about twenty minutes or a half hour later, depending…after a person leaves, I don’t remember anything.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Wow, so it’s like, the slate is wiped clean and you start over?

DANA: Let’s start all over. And I’m glad, because I don’t need to take it home with me. And I don’t remember…I’ll start to remember in a reading, but I don’t remember every detail of every reading.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Being a witch in a community like this. Has it been difficult…what have you witnessed or experienced as far as discrimination goes?

DANA: We’ve been open since December 18th, and I’ve only had two couples…a husband and wife, both times…one who saw my sign outside that said “Tarot Readings” …that stuck their head in the door and said I was going to hell. And then I had another couple come in and say something like, God wouldn’t like it. And I’m like, “I’m really sorry you feel that you have to say this, but it’s not true.”

CAROL HARPER/ACN: But every religion has its rituals and traditions. So I mean, isn’t that kind of hypocritical to…?

DANA: Yeah. But I’m not going to go into Christian-bashing. Everyone has a belief system. As long as you walk the walk you talk, that’s fine.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Do you sometimes feel pigeonholed?  Or stereotyped?

DANA: I think a lot of people won’t get to know what I’m really like, because I am very blatant about being a witch. And a lot of times - depending on the situation I have noticed in my life lately… that I will get in your face about it in the very beginning. I’m a witch. So let’s get this on the table, right here, right now…

CAROL HARPER/ACN: …just so there’s an understanding…

DANA: …so that, you know, once we develop this friendship, you don’t cut it off because, oh my God, your boyfriend found out that I’m a witch, or your mother or your uncle. Or you. Let’s put it on the table right now. I am a witch; I practice witchcraft. But I’m also the kindest, sweetest, most compassionate, honest person. If you don’t want those qualities, then(shrugs)
   And I’ve been told, “Well, you’re too bold about it…”

CAROL HARPER/ACN: But people are bold in their religion. They’re zealous…

DANA: But I’m supposed to be in the closet. And I’m not. I don’t even know where it is. If someone has the key to the door, keep it because I’ve never even been in it.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: (laughs) What do you think about people who think this is all B.S.? I mean, spells and…

DANA: Have you ever made a wish and blown out the candles of your cake?


DANA: Then you’ve done magic.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: How is it magic?

DANA: Because that’s what you doing. You are trying to alter the state of events. You are trying to change the outcome of a situation. That’s all magic is.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: By making a wish?

DANA: You’re just trying to change the outcome. Some people use it in a non-positive way, but true Wiccans do not do that. They do magic for good. And magic isn’t the first thing you do. You can’t sit on the couch every day and go, ‘I want a job, I want a job, I want a job…” and not get your tushy up, showered, dressed, out of the house, filling out applications, presenting yourself in a professional manner, okay? When you’ve done all those things and it doesn’t work, then you ask for help. You don’t do that first. Doing magic is your last resort. When all else fails, let’s light a candle.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: There was a quote in the article about you in the Union Democrat where it said something like, when your husband gets the winning six lotto numbers…

DANA: When he wins the lotto, he will dance naked to the moon and study anything I want.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: (laughs) Well, that’s kind of a perfect example of waiting around…

DANA: No, he buys a lotto ticket every week.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: There you go!

DANA: But he never asks me to do anything to them. For the most part, you can’t do magic for someone else unless you are asked.


DANA: Unless you are asked.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So they have to come to you, or know who to go to…

DANA: Unless…you are doing a protection spell over a small child…somebody in the hospital in a coma or incapacitated…

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Isn’t that like prayer or a blessing?

DANA: Yep, it’s pretty much the same thing. Or someone who is in the military, and you want them protected and they’re so far away. These are my rules. There are a lot of other Wiccan people who follow them, but those are my primary rules.
   And I asked my husband one day, what? A house, two bikes and a business isn’t enough?

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So what does it mean that you “ordered” your husband? Yeah, we’re going to go there!

DANA: That’s okay. Twenty years ago I read a book called Wicca by Vivianne Crowley. At that point in time, my life was dysfunctional, it was pretty bad. And I read the book, and everything clicked…why I was the way I was when I was a child, why I thought the way I did, why I do things the way I do them, probably still to this day. It clicked. The dysfunctional behavior, the destructive lifestyle, I stopped instantaneously.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: You were born again!

DANA: Pretty much, pretty much! It was like, wow okay, I’m not crazy, I’m not dysfunctional. I’m a witch. Okay, I get it. So one of the exercises in this book was to manifest something, to bring something into your life that you wanted. Well, I did three things. And the last thing I did – all three of them happened, but when I decided that destructive behavior was not what I wanted anymore, I sat down and I wanted a man. And I wanted a man who knew all about me, who was cute and sexy and responsible and strong, who had children, who rode a Harley and knew all about me and wouldn’t try to mold me into something that I didn’t want to be.
   Three days later. I ran into my husband. And I had known him ten years prior to all this. But he was married and yadayadayada. And I saw him, and he said he broke up with his wife, and I said, “Oh, I’m sorry about that.”  And I’m thinking, “Yes!”
   And so here we are. Our 17th wedding anniversary is in April. I raised two of his three children. One is a photographer, one is a cook that works in a nursing home, got a baby. It’s all good.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: That’s a great story!

DANA: And my daughter chose to be a rainbow girl, chose to go Christian.


DANA: My religion is mine, not hers. She gonna light a candle to get a job? Oh, you betcha!

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So what is your attitude towards people who might judge you?

DANA: Ignorance is bliss. Sometimes it’s bothersome…

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Do you encourage them to get to know it? I mean, a little education would be good for people to know, instead of yelling in your door “Hey, you’re going to hell.”

DANA: That’s the thing. You know, I’m not a philosophy major or a religion major, but from what I know about Christianity and the Bible…they have a very strong set of rules. Commandments, rules. They are in a box. They are comfortable within their box. And I don’t judge them for that. I don’t like it, I don’t like that they are…I won’t say ‘narrow-minded”, but very strong in their convictions. That’s fine. If you don’t want to take the time and step outside of the box and question what you’re being taught, it’s not my job to do it. If you don’t want to get to know me, that’s fine.
   There is a young lady down the street. She’s very Christian. And I didn’t think, when she and I met at the beginning, that she would like me, even though we both have similar [dysfunctional] backgrounds. But she turned her life around, and hers went towards Christianity, and that’s what gives her peace. Well, mine gives me peace. It makes me a better person. And if people don’t want to get to know me because I wear a pentagram, and I am a very “outted” witch, well then it’s their loss, not mine.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: How does that make you feel, though? I mean, I think about how difficult it is for someone who’s gay to come out of the closet, and all the stereotypes and judgments…

DANA: I can handle it. It’s all good. If they don’t want to take the time to get to know who I am, then I don’t really think I want to know them.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Because they’re saying that they’re going to hell, too…

DANA: “Fit in my box, or I don’t want have anything to do with you.” Really? Okay. I grew up in San Francisco in the Bay Area, and gay, straight, transvestite, cross-dressing, Wiccan, pierced, tattooed…who cares? What’s on the inside is what matters. And my religion works for me. And theirs works for them.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: One thing I really admire about you is the simplicity of your philosophy: “Be nice.

DANA: Do what you will, but harm none.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Tell me some of the things, the philosophies…some of your beliefs as a witch.

DANA Do the best you can do you, every day for everybody around you, whether it’s convenient or inconvenient…and just be nice! Why is it so hard to help a little old lady across the street? Our core values as a society has changed so much. It doesn’t take a village to raise a child anymore, obviously, because they’re not getting raised properly. You can’t like, discipline somebody else’s child—you can’t even discipline your own! You know, walk the walk you talk. If you’re going to be a Christian, fine, then walk that walk. If you’re going to be Wiccan…people ask me, “Are you a good witch or a bad witch?” Really? Are you black or white? I don’t know, last time I checked, my skin was kind of beige…


DANA: Good witches are sexy, bad witches are ugly.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Inside and out.

DANA: Yeah! Our biggest thing is: Do what you will, harm none. How hard is that?

CAROL HARPER/ACN: That’s like saying, are you a good human being or a bad human being?

DANA: Exactly. Why is that so flippin’ hard?

CAROL HARPER/ACN: I don’t know (sighs).
    I’m looking at some of the things in your store that have a lot to do with nature…

DANA: Wicca is a nature-based religion. We honor the elements – Fire, Water, Air, Earth…North, East, South and West. Any time we gather in a circle, we honor all four of those quarters. We honor different pantheons and deities…

CAROL HARPER/ACN: In a circle? So there are others? Here in gold country, in Amador County?

DANA: There are way more than you will ever know. There are a lot of people who are Druid, and Wiccans and Pagans, and people of that nature. But they can’t come out.

CAROL HARPER/ACN Why is that. Because of the judgment we talked about?

DANA: Yeah. My male counterpart in the Craft has a job that, if they ever found out that he was Pagan, Wiccan, British formally-trained…he would lose his job. His wife works for the State; she would lose herjob.

CAROL HARPER/ACNSo you have seen it.

DANA: Oh, yeah, big time. I watched it happen to my daughter. My step-daughter, when she was in Junior High School, would get mad at me, and tell everyone, “My step mother is a witch, my step mother is a witch…no, not a bitch, a witch. Really.”  Well, it backfired on her. She went for cheerleading tryouts. She was better than anyone else….she’s beautiful and small and talented and athletic…and they told her “no”. And then they looked at me.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Oh, are you serious? Wow. And how did you feel about that?

DANA: I was pissed. Because my religious beliefs should not be…my children should not have to pay for…

CAROL HARPER/ACN: And this is a public school system?

DANA: Yeah, Galt.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: And they’re not supposed to discriminate based upon race, color, ethnicity, religion…

DANA: There is no such thing as religious freedom. That’s a bunch of crap.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Apparently. But you don’t seem to feel that now. You are pretty secure in what you’re doing.

DANA: Because if you don’t like me, it’s your problem, not mine. I am who I am; I’m not going to change. My husband is okay with me being so far out, it’s fine with him. In my immediate family, that’s who matter.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: If someone came to you for a reading, is there any requirement? Do they just show up, or do they need to be more open-minded, like you were talking about? Or what if someone was scared in the community, and said, “Oh man, I really want to get a reading, but…” and they’re looking over their shoulder, making sure no one sees them walking into your store. What would you say to them? You know, fearful. People might be fearful about that. Because you said that Christian women that come to you…

DANA: And they just walk in the front door. We are a gift shop. We have stuff. I have…

CAROL HARPER/ACN: You have some great stuff here!

DANA: I have handmade crystal rosaries from someone in the community. She makes handmade, heirloom-quality rosaries. Then I have saint bracelets…we have all kinds of gifts.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Ritual, tradition…that’s wonderful that you do that.

DANA: We are a folk art store. That’s the name of our business, Amador Folk Art. Traditionally, folk art is anything that is learned at the knee of the mother. So folk art has a broad spectrum in what it means.Folk medicine. Holistic. Metaphysical. They’re the same, just a different clarification. So we have people come in here, looking around, and then they’ll end upWell, so…how much is a reading?”
            And my reading room is in the back, and it’s a little secluded, and you know, so…

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Do you have Native American things?

DANA: Yes, I have some consigners. One in particular, his name is Six Toes.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Is he local?

DANA: Stockton. He does traditional Native American jewelry and breast plates. And we have several consigners. One of the young ladies who works at one of the jewelry stores has art consigned here. We will take any Native American, Pagan, folk art…on consignment. We are also consignment store to feature local artists. Everyone needs a way to make a dollar these days; we’re just providing space for them to do it.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: I love the incense you blend. Do you do potions?

DANA: I will, but not yet. I don’t have all the stuff, but I will.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: But the incense is amazing. Because we are sensory beings, and to invoke the senses…how do you know?

DANA: Each astrological…planetary…there are properties that relate to certain types of herbs. So you just blend them. And as for what people need, I don’t know. I just do it.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: And so you’re thinking, “This is this, so if they connect with that…” But you blend them.

DANA: Yeah, we have a whole line of target-specific incense for banishing, or for drawing, or money, or love, or “Go away, you bother me, don’t come anywhere near me” (that’s banishing).


DANA: But then if someone wants custom blend, I have about 50 different herbs that…I just do what is in my heart. My male counterpart he is the scholastic, well-read, “gotta-get-the-right-time-of-day, with the right…” He’s in the box.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: The Wiccan box?

DANA: Yeah, the British Traditional. Me? I just do it. And he’ll go, well, how do you know? How do you know to do it right now? Uh, I don’t know. I just do.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: But you have that gift…

DANA: Yeah, I just do it. Because I learned a long time ago…if it walks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it’s gotta be a duck, okay? It’s intuition. Everyone has intuition. But society has tricked you into not believing it.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: And clouds it…

DANA: Yeah. Like little people…you know, kids. They talk to imaginary friends, in imaginary situations. Why? Because it’s their past life that hasn’t all the way gone away. So my philosophy is, with anyone who has little people - especially under the age of seven, because after the age of seven they start to lose it - write it down. Write it down, who they’re talking to. “Oh, so you’re talking to Sally…” And they’ve never met a Sally, there’s no Sally in their lives…”Tell me about Sally, what is she wearing, what does she look like. Where does she live? What does she do for a living? What are you guys doing?”
Because when they get older, and things are going sideways in their life, and they end up studying witchcraft or Paganism or Druidism they’ll want to know who those people were in their last lives.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So they can understand.

DANA: I had a whole family, my mother said. I would get up and I would make my husband lunch every day! I’m an only child, but I had a whole family. Wish she would’ve told me who they were, but…
   It’s your past life. Society hasn’t like, brainwashed you into believing, “Oh, you just have an overactive imagination, you’re just making all that up…” Really? I’m three!

CAROL HARPER/ACN: You call them “little people”.

DANA: Children. They’re little people.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So many times we think that kids don’t understand…kind of like they’re dogs or something, like here, roll over and we’ll throw you a bone or something.  You have a very interesting perspective on children.

DANA: Who decided they don’t know? When you’re thirteen, you can’t want to be on your own and make your own decisions. Why?

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Were you raised in…did you ever go to church?

DANA: I had to go church, yeah.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: What church?

DANA: I was baptized Episcopalian. That’s because my godmother was a Sunday School teacher, so I had to go. I went all the way through catechism, being confirmed, the whole cha-cha. Hated it.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: It didn’t have any influence on your life at all. You just did it.

DANA: I did it because I had to. And the lady who raised me - and this is probably why I don’t like it – she was an English professor from Guadalajara, Mexico. So she was very Catholic and very strict. And there were times when my life was very dysfunctional, and everyone tell me, “Give your life to God and it will all be right.” Yeah, didn’t work for me. I tried.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So…God.  You just mentioned, “Give your life to God.” Who is God to you?

DANA: Whoever’s listening.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: That’s beautiful, actually.

DANA: How do we know? How do we know, as a society, that you being Native American, me being Wiccan, and Christians being Christian…how do we know that we’re not talking to the same people? The biggest difference between Paganism and Christianity is the balance of the male and the female. We don’t give all our power to a male. There is a balance.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: So is God an “It”?

DANA: To me, God is…depends on(pauses in thought). Different times I talk to different gods and goddesses. It depends on what I need at that time, or…

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Okay, so how God reveals himself. Oops, I said “him”! (laughs)

DANA: For the most part…because I probably pray more than most Christians (I do…about everything, all the time). Anyway, I talk to the Lady and her Lord. And I’m not sure Who they are, I just know that they’re there, because I know that there is absolutely no way in my life I could have gotten to this point in my life without someone picking me up by my belt and saying, “Hello? Pay attention, this is not good, let’s go this way.” So I refer to them as the Lady and her Lord. The Lady is always first.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: Okay, so there is a there is a female and male component.

DANA: There is a balance, because everyone has male and female energy. A yin and a yang, a black and a white. And if what I understand about the Bible, there were a lot of women there in the beginning until the dude said “no.”  I mean, who was Mary Magdalene?

CAROL HARPER/ACN: When somebody comes into your store, can you look at somebody and “know” something about them, or something about their character?

DANA: Can I tell the good guys from the bad guys? Yes.


DANA: I get this real weird feeling right here (puts her hand over mid-section), and I’ve never second-guessed my intuition, ever.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: That gut feeling.

DANA: We all have it.

CAROL HARPER/ACN: We don’t always use it.

DANA: A young lady came into my store today. She’s been in here, many times…she was crying. She had given someone a ride from the casino to the gas station. She had left the car running, said she’d “be right back I need to go to the bathroom.” She had seen these people before. She came out of the bathroom they had stolen her car. She told me, “I thought that there was something wrong, but I ignored it.”

CAROL HARPER/ACN: And there it is.

DANA: And there it is. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck…

CAROL HARPER/ACN: It’s probably a duck!


Copyright © Carol Harper. Published by Amador Community News, March 31, 2011. Contact: carolrharper@gmail.com

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